Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I need a manifesto.

I have made a momentous decision (see title). There is, of course, a glaring flaw in this plan. I do not have any strong political motivations. I had lunch today with one of my work colleagues, and she asked about my political leanings. "Well," I replied, "ideologically, I would have to say I have liberal tendencies, although I have been fairly impressed with the federal conservative actions so far. But I voted Green in the last election. Because I like the colour." (note: while I actually said this, the colour (so pretty!) is not the real reason. I like their platforms. I also think that a fundamentalist Christian snowball wearing a placard that reads "Demons suck" has a better chance in Hell than the Green party does of being elected to federal leadership. But a girl can dream.)

I digress. My manifesto will not be about political ideologies. There are far, far too many people who believe that other people give a crap about what their political ideologies are. Those people are fools. Because what the public really wants is a manifesto on insomnia, the best snack treats, road rage, and lazy, lazy stalkers. Also gardening, dogs, suicidal squirrels, angry crows, strange relatives, dysfunctional families. Not to mention graphic novels and how they're better than 99% of the shite that comes out on the "BEST SELLER LIST". Seriously, Dr. Phil. Seriously, Oprah. How about a little more zombie on that list, yeah?

I will call it, "The Super-Mega-Awesome-Neato-Cool Manifesto" (note: this is a working title only, okay? No being all judgy and stuff. Write your own damn manifesto).


At 6:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oo! Oo!! I have a manifesto story...

My co-workers and I were heading back to the office from our coffee break. We got in the elevator and this bike courier guy got in the elevator as well. No biggie- bike couriers ar fairly common at City Hall. But wait... THIS bike courier was facing us- not the front of the elevator. Then he started to talk... about sinners and Jesus and the end of the world and how he's a phrophet... blah blah blah.

My co-worker pushed the button for the 5th floor (We're on 7) and asked the guy if this was his floor. The guy actually said "No" and kept blithering at us!!

We got off at 7, where he gave us a copy of his "manifesto" which was all about how satin was coming (yes, he spelled it satin) and all sorts of strange stuff.

Complete with run on sentences, very little punctuation and no paragraphs.

It even had his email address on it!!

We put it up on our wall of shame, it's pretty funny :).

Yours sounds much more interesting!!! And you probably won't think fabric is going to cause the end of the world :). TTYL

At 7:53 AM , Blogger Steve said...

Okay. It's settled. In the next election I'm voting for you.

At 5:58 PM , Blogger Jenn & Owen said...

Hang on... I don't get it...

Everything you mentioned in your manifesto is already in your blog. Why don't you take the lazy way out and just change the name of your blog to "Manifesto"?

At 6:26 PM , Blogger cenobyte said...

Where can I get this 'snowball suit' of which you speak?

And does "Demins sux" count?

At 8:33 PM , Blogger neuba said...

What? You think you can just add a new word to MY phrase and call it your own. I think not. Thief! :)

Good luck with the manifesto!


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