Sunday, June 04, 2006

So... Much... Rage... Frustration... Kitty Sniper, do your worst!
I just got off the phone with my dad a little while ago. Trying to book train tickets for our grandmother's funeral. And a titan of enterprise he may be (self-described, I assure you), but as far as planning and use of the internet goes.... AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
"It's $316.40, for the two tickets, dad." I said, trying desperately not to grind my teeth to powder.
"Let's see here.... Explorer? I think that's... uh... it's not working.... Oh... double click... there..."
"So, uh, should I go ahead and book it then? Saturday night and returning Monday?" Tooth dust clouds billow out my mouth as I growl into the phone.
"Okay.... uh... Google.... Yes, yes, that's it.... Now... That was... uh... Viarail... en anglais, oui?"
"Uh... Yeah, dad." [Quick note here... English is my dad's first language. Not French. English. Okay then.]
"Okay here... So... um... Departing from..."
"Oh God." I mutter in frustration. Dad doesn't bat an eyelid.
"... and arriving at..."
"For the love of Jesus, Mary, God and all the saints in Heaven!" I beseech. Nothing.
"Okay, that comes to... um... $316.40."
"Really." I say, idly wondering if I will be able to somehow reattach the huge clumps of hair I have just pulled out.
"Yeah. You know, we should really look at plane and bus fares too."
It continued on from there. In total, it took about 45 minutes to determine that the two train tickets would indeed cost $316.40. Siiiggghhhh.....
To be honest, I would have just gone straight to the liquor cabinet (okay, it's just a bottle in a paper bag on the counter, but the other sounds much classier), but I found this awesome website ( It has songs that resonate with anybody working a job that doesn't value them. Which is pretty much everybody. Cheered me up to no end. That's about it for now... unless... OH YES!
I remembered... Saw X-Men III: His Pants Stayed On. Quite a good movie, except for the indestructibility of Wolverine's pants. Oh well. Maybe that will change in the director's cut. (I can dream...)
Best wishes for everyone to have a good Monday!


At 8:54 AM , Blogger Jenn & Owen said...

I can understand. Believe me. I can understand. My mom phones me once a year to explain how to take her tax files off of the computer because she's afraid of having her info stolen. This year we set a new record of thirty minutes, two phone calls, and no shouting. A quote, "Do you know where the file is?" "Of course I do. It's on the computer."

This wasn't as bad as the woman who was so stupid that it took her three hours to find our in-laws house to buy some decorations from us for a wedding. She spent an hour driving around and around West Edmonton Mall, which, incidentally, is on the other side of the city. She then required to be talked all the way from WEM to the in-laws house, even though the first directions were "Go east on Whitemud for twenty minutes until you find the 34 st. exit. Then take the exit and go right." She needed directions to find Whitemud. A resident of Edmonton needed directions to find Whitemud from WEM. When she was leaving, she needed directions about how to get back out to the highway. Two minutes later, Jenn's cell-phone rang. We didn't answer.

At 2:41 PM , Blogger K. Donovan said...

I was about to commiserate with an exciting story about "helping" my mother with her computer over the phone. I see, however, that I have been preempted by my inestimable sibling.

I will go so far as to add that apparently, the last time I was dragooned into this particular service, I was so ineffective at concealing my frustration that I am no longer subject to calls of this nature. If anything, I am tempted to the parental abode with some culinary concoction and the technical difficulties are subtly worked into the dinner conversation.

Needless to say, I remain sympathetic to your plight.

Further to your tangential X-men reference, I must confess to being so distracted by the delectable Ms. Janssen at the moment in question that the apparent indestructibility of Mr. Jackman's trousers failed to occur to me. Rest assured that the proper documentation will be filed with the Suspension of Disbelief Authority forthwith.


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