Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh bloggity blog, how I love thee...

Also, big shout out to Schmutzie (Whoot!), who let me know I am being featured on Five Star Fridays. Because I'm delightful.
There was an odd conflict of emotions; I was incredibly pleased (and a bit puzzled), until the panic set in.
"Oh crap. What exactly did I write about people?"
Then came rational brain to talk me off the ledge. (Oh, by the way, this was all within about a 30 second period, because I'm so in touch with my emotions. We're tight. They call me, let me know how they're doing, if we should be crying, stuff like that). Anyway, I realized that even if the people concerned were to read this, their grasp of technology is somewhat tenuous at best, so I really shouldn't be worried.

To explain, my people are generally not a technology "friendly" people. I don't have a cell phone because I fully believe it to be an intelligent being from another planet. Think how many homes they've infiltrated already. If I let a cell phone into my house, it will slowly turn all the other appliances against me, until I'm reenacting 2001: A Space Odyssey.
"Work, you god-forsaken machine! I want my coffee! I neeeeed my coffee!"
"I can't let you do that, Dave."

I still think fondly back to the day my father got a Blackberry. My phone rang, and I answered.
"Hello? Hello? I don't know if it's working (said to someone else). Maybe if I (phone hangs up)."
5 minutes later.
"Hello? Dad, is that you?"
"Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? Hello? (click)"
Repeat 30 times. It was hysterical.

When my uncle was learning how to use a laptop, the helper paperclip popped up and startled him so much he shuffleboarded the laptop clear across the room. It was okay, though, it was insured by his company. The first time.

Thankfully, books remain an accessible technology for us, so we've been able to remain fairly hip and with it, or whatever the kids are saying these days. Nifty keen. Neato. Delightful! Addendum!