Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"When your only tool is a throat punch, all problems look like throats."

My brother is a wise, wise man. I've been a bit easily frustrated lately, and perhaps my verbal descriptions of how I would solve certain connundrums (i.e. "He is such a tool. I just want to throat punch him until he begs for mercy." "What a crap thing to do! You should totally throat punch him." "Decaf?!? Ooooh, some lucky Starbucks employee is gonna get a throat punch.")
has taken a turn for the repetitive.
It's hard to say for sure, at this point in time.
I feel like there should be more to write, seeing as it has been a shockingly long while since my last post, but I guess this is what Vancouver does to people. You just... kind of... get really... really... relaxed about stuff. So perhaps just a point form summary will suffice.

- Toaster fire.
- New toaster.
- .... Um.... oh! Went back home for a visit! No throat punches.
- Found an antique store that is like stepping into one of Guillermo del Toro's movies. Words cannot describe. How utterly fantastic. It is.
- Dad in hospital. Fine now. If he was a horse we would have shot him.
- Work got better, then worse, then better again.
- Started volunteering with Special Olympics. (I really have to break the point form format for just a moment to talk about this. First, I feel absolutely privileged to work with such a wonderful group of individuals. I haven't laughed so much from sheer joy since I was a little girl. Also, I am now an assistant coach for rhythmic gymnastics. Anyone who has seen me effortlessly trip over my own feet and fall headfirst down the stairs will appreciate the irony of this.)
- The 900 year old cat I live with snores. Why can I never get away from the hairy snorers!?!

- Old microwave, or as I refer to it, "The Ovary Nuker 3000" finally dies.
- New microwave. Remaining ovary breathes a sigh of relief.
- Joined band. Am officially "cool".
- Found new meaning in work, and potentially a way to make a huge fantastically wonderful difference for many many people.... If I get the go-ahead on my top secret idea. Pending.
- Big brother visit!
- Found enlightenment.
- Lost enlightenment.
- Cleaned apartment. Still can't find enlightenment. May have recycled it. Damn.
- Cat still snores. Loudly.

Stay tuned!