Thursday, January 10, 2008

The resolution will be televised...

My god, sometimes I'm so clever I can barely stand it!
Another brand new start to a brand spanking new year (200...8. Yeah.) One of my resolutions is to be more positive and happy and stuff. That's right, ladies and gentlefolk, it's going to be nothing but unicorn giggles and rainbow poop from now on! Leastways I think that's the expression...
Let the good times commence!....owl hoots... crickets... a lone siren in the distance (No. Really. I DO live right by a hospital, people)...more owl hoots.... Any minute now...
On a completely mostly unrelated note, I have noticed that prolonged lodging near a hospital and a busy road, with its associated helicopters, loud cars, sirens, screaming people (thank you, Stampede idiots, for continually propogating the stereotype), has rendered me deaf and blind to some pretty important "warning signals". Like, when there's an ambulance behind me, I sometimes don't really notice (...or I pretend not to. "Oh well, I guess you should have thought twice about eating that Big Mac, Mr. I'm Having a Coronary Get Out of My Way, huh? God. Some people.") Even the flashing lights don't really spark a message in my brain... But I guess that's the price you pay for strobe lights 24-7 in your boudoir (kidding... Mom...)
On another almost completely unrelated note, there is this scene in "Gray's Anatomy" from last season(?) where a guy hooked up to an oxygen tank decides that it's the perfect time to indulge, relax, and light up a cigarette. Hilarity ensues. I mean massive trauma and explosions. Not hilarity.
Guess what I saw an old guy in the front of the hospital ALMOST do today? Twice! Guess? According to my friend, my expression was "priceless". And to think I was getting out of my chair to pull a, "No! Mr. President!" and pull her out of the way of flying glass and exploded Smoker with Emphysema and COPD Chunks (TM)! And then, 15 minutes later? He was out there again! It was like an addiction or something.


At 7:14 AM , Blogger Steve said...

Heh. I can totally see you in a black suit with a little radio thingie in your ear, waiting to tackle people out of the way of their own stupidity.

I wouldn't worry too much about not noticing the ambulances. I think that most people don't realize that they're there until they're being tailgated by one for about a block. You might want to only worry if, when you finally notice an ambulance, you decide to see how long you can keep it blocked in.

At 11:17 PM , Blogger Siochain said...

Tha... That's a career option?
I'm soooo happy right now.


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